Welcome to the Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, a podcast hosted by Dr. Adriana Popescu, a licensed clinical psychologist, energy psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, and empowerment coach. In each episode, Dr. Adriana examines what is beyond the traditional point of view of mental health diagnosis, care, and treatment. She speaks with leaders and visionaries in the fields of Energy Psychology, consciousness, healing, and empowerment about what is beyond what we have decided we know about mental illness. #mentalhealthpodcast #energypsychology #mentalhealthdiagnosis This show is a journey of discovering the possibilities of holistic care and treatment through a variety of lenses: from the spiritual to the shamanic, the naturopathic, and beyond. Each conversation is designed to empower listeners to embrace their own awareness, gifts, and capacities, and to create a greater world with them.
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
EP 65 – Honoring Neurodiversity & Difference with Jennifer Cairns
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/p4JUQ3YGbB4
What is neurodiversity?
What is possible to honor who we are, our difference, and our strengths?
How can we be happier, support one another, and create more?
Find out more in a powerful and vulnerable new episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by neurodiverse and disabled entrepreneur, mentor, bestselling author, self-empowerment speaker and Founder of Rebel World and the Lady Rebel Club movement, Jennifer Cairns.
In this highly interesting conversation, you will hear about what it is like to triumph beyond labels, unhide, empower yourself, elevate your life and business, and create supportive communities.
In this episode:
- Jennifer’s journey
- Misconceptions and biases
- Founding of Lady Rebel Club and Rebel World
- Labels and expectations
- Hiding and masking
- Honoring ourselves, setting boundaries, and protection
- Neurodiversity explained
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Creating community
- Empowerment
- Filters
- Rebel With A Cause Book
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Jennifer’s Websites: https://www.ladyrebelclub.com/
and https://www.ourrebelworld.com/rebel-world-media
Rebel With A Cause Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BJD9LNKN
About Jennifer:
Jennifer Cairns is a neurodiverse and disabled entrepreneur, mentor, bestselling author, self-empowerment speaker, and Founder of Rebel World and the Lady Rebel Club movement where they’re out to empower, connect, advocate for and elevate women and all marginalised gender entrepreneurs, small business owners and creatives.
“We don’t have to hide who we are.” – Jennifer
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
EP 64 – Soul Recovery with Ester Nicholson
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/qnRdvWe-VqU
What is Soul Recovery?
How can we reconnect with our essential, real, Higher Self?
What is spirituality and what is its role in recovery?
Learn a powerful path to more of you in a beautiful and truly inspiring episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by speaker, author, recovery coach and creator of Soul Recovery, Ester Nicholson.
You will hear the incredible and powerful story of Ester’s moment of clarity and choice that got her off of the path of addiction and into a life of recovery, living spiritual principles, teaching, and sharing this oneness with others.
In this episode:
- Ester’s recovery journey
- The Twelve Steps as spiritual principles
- Soul Recovery
- Higher Power, Higher Self
- Tapping/EFT
- Beliefs
- Trauma
- Honoring and nurturing the inner child
- Power and empowerment
- Forgiveness
- Compassionate Accountability
- Healing Bias and Racism in Recovery
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Ester’s Website: http://soulrecovery.org/
21 Days to Your Authentic Self Program: https://estermail.com/
Soul Recovery Book: http://soulrecovery.org/store.html
About Ester:
Ester Nicholson, author of Soul Recovery - 12 Keys to Healing Dependence is a speaker, recovery coach, recording artist, and recovering addict who brings her incredible journey of transformation to a practical curriculum—addressing the root causes of dependence as they occur in contemporary living.
Her Soul Recovery programs expand the traditional concept of 12 Step Recovery into spiritual practices that have served thousands.
A gifted vocal artist, Nicholson’s musical career includes worldwide tours with Rod Stewart and Bette Midler with appearances on such television shows as Oprah, The Tonight Show, The View, Good Morning America and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Ester has inspired thousands with her keynotes at conference events including:
The National FED-UP Rally in Washington DC, NCADD and She Recovers—in addition to alumni and featured events at Ashley Treatment Center, Gosnold Treatment Center, Renewal House and as a former host at InTheRooms.com.
Ester is a trusted advisor on the She Recovers and NAATP DEI committees and is instrumental in shifting “the business as usual” practices of treatment providers with her workshop “Healing Bias and Racism in Recovery” for industry leaders. Ester’s life-changing program, Soul Recovery - The Roadmap Home, bridges the gap between the 12 Steps of Recovery and fundamental “spiritual” practices and modalities: from mindfulness and meditation, to inner child/forgiveness processes and EFT “Tapping.”
“Your higher self only sees you as the beloved, only sees you as perfection.” – Ester
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
EP 63 – Exploring The Chakras with Aven Armstrong-Sutton
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/bfbjg8Wam1E
What is the chakra system and how does it work?
How can we use this information in working with mental health and trauma?
What would integrating these and other approaches create for the future?
Find a wealth of information and insights into the energy flows in the body, presence, healing, and spirituality in this episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by Clinical Social Worker, Ph.D. candidate, and chakra and trauma expert Aven Armstrong-Sutton.
You will discover the wonders and insights of the chakras, their theme and function as well as what this work can teach us about our own belief systems, body, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
In this episode:
- Aven’s journey
- The chakra system
- The pandemic, seeking, and spirituality
- Psychopharmacological treatment
- The chakras explained and explored
- Burnout
- Kundalini
- Discovering energetic blockages
- Crystals
- Colors and the chakras
- The first thought
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and chakras
- Presence
- Deeping your connection
- Self-healing
- A vision for the future
- Co-regulation
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Aven’s website: https://www.asaven.org/
Anodea Judith's Chakra Books: https://anodeajudith.com/
About Aven:
Aven Armstrong-Sutton is an Associate Clinical Social Worker with over a decade of clinical practice experience in mental health and addictions working with persons across the lifespan. Aven has dedicated their career to working with persons affected by complex trauma from a perspective that honors the mind-body connection and psycho-spiritual integration. Aven is also a Ph.D. candidate at McMaster University located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where they're investigating how we conceptualize adversity in our understanding of psychological resilience.
“Each chakra has a particular program that it runs to keep us alive, well, and healthy.” – Aven
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Friday Nov 18, 2022
EP 62 – Access Bars® Research with Dr. Terrie Hope
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/1yzzpEXJ0-k
What is Access Bars?
How can we study, quantify and measure what changes in the brain with this and other techniques?
What are studies showing about Bars, anxiety, and depression?
Discover the possibilities for stress relief, presence, and relaxation in therapeutic and corporate environments in this new episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which your host Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by scientist, clinical researcher, published author and global pioneer in cognitive neuroscience and emotional transformation, Dr. Terrie Hope.
You will hear about Dr. Hope’s exciting research and what it is demonstrating about the efficacy of Access Bars and the future of depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD relief.
In this episode:
- Exploring alternative healing
- Research
- Access Consciousness Bars and Anxiety and Depression Study
- Brain mapping and coherence
- Alternative methods
- Evidence-based
- Using energy psychology in drug and alcohol rehab
- Access Bars
- Session length
- Tapping/EFT
- Energy medicine and energy psychology techniques
- Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
- UK Police study on Trauma
- Veterans and PTSD
- Bringing Bars into corporate environments
- Workplace stress and work-life balance
- Human value in corporations
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Hope’s Website: https://drterriehope.com/
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en
Access Consciousness Bars: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/accessbars/
About Dr. Terrie Hope:
Dr. Hope inspires and creates positive, lasting change for individuals and corporations by igniting their intuitive capacities. She is a scientist, clinical researcher and published author and global pioneer in cognitive neuroscience and emotional transformation. She holds a Ph.D. and Doctorate of Natural Medicine with advanced studies on quantum medicine, energy transformation, and consciousness. Her current focus and research is revolutionizing and transforming stress in the workplace.
“All of the participants changed their anxiety as much as eighty-six percent in one session.” – Dr. Hope
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
EP 61 – Sex Therapy with Dr. Denise Renye
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/-kyINB2lfEI
What is sex therapy?
What makes it different from regular therapy?
How does trauma impact sex, relationships, and pleasure?
Discover these fascinating insights into the world of human sexuality and more on the latest episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which your host Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by licensed clinical psychologist, certified sexologist, executive consultant, certified yoga therapist, and psychedelic integrationist Dr. Denise Renye.
You will hear about the dynamic field of sex therapy, what shows up in sessions, and how this vital and important work impacts mental health, well-being, bodies, relationships and consciousness.
In this episode:
- Sex therapy
- The role of touch
- Relationship surrogates
- Trauma
- Erectile dysfunction
- Vaginismus
- Sexual surrogate
- Sexual trauma, assault, and incest
- Faking orgasms
- Outercourse and intercourse
- Creative relationship design, opening relationship
- Fetishes and BDSM
- Myths and misnomers
- Pornography and sex work
- Communication and consent
- Agreements
- Conditioning
- Community
- Bay Area Open Minds
- Consulting and coaching
- Sexuality Mapping
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Denise’s Website: https://www.wholepersonintegration.com/
Dr. Denise’s Meditations: https://www.wholepersonintegration.com/shoppe?category=Meditation
The Ethical Slut: https://a.co/d/jdju8tQ
Bay Area Open Minds: https://bayareaopenminds.org/
About Dr. Denise Renye:
Dr. Denise Renye is a licensed clinical psychologist, certified sexologist, executive consultant, certified yoga therapist and psychedelic integrationist. She has specialized training and has worked directly with people in the areas of sexuality, relationships, states of consciousness, psychedelic integration and intimacy. She holds a Masters degree in Human Sexuality from Widener University and both a Masters degree and a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from The California Institute of Integral Studies. Dr. Denise is certified as a sexologist through the American College of Sexologists.
Dr. Denise has studied embodied spiritual practices nationally and internationally through research and experiential learning and has conducted and published research on embodied psycho-spirituality. Integrating the whole person, soma and psyche, is integral in her approach to the work she does.
“Sexuality is not just about the bedroom, it is such a part of life.” – Dr. Denise
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/aOviXQOrFCs
What is compassion fatigue and caregiver burnout?
How does this show up in personal and professional settings?
What are some easy ways to relax, recharge, and receive?
Tune in to a joyful and inspiring episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which authors, coaches, and caregivers Dr. Adriana Popescu and Lauren Polly discuss the plight of the caregiver in our world today and what profound shifts, tools, and strategies can be used to create a different possibility.
There is also a powerful exercise of gratitude that will immediately increase your energy of receiving.
In this episode:
- Compassion fatigue defined
- Personal and professional caregiving
- Exhaustion
- Toxic masking
- Burnout
- Getting out of autopilot
- From survival to thrival
- Self-care strategies
- The superpower of empathy and caring
- Life hacks for stress release
- Access Consciousness® and Who does this belong to?®
- Caring vs. carrying
- Empaths and highly sensitive people
- Lifeboat metaphor
- Quiet quitting
- Receiving and gratitude
- Simple exercises to calm and care for yourself
- The value of connection and community
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Adriana’s Website: https://adrianapopescu.org
Lauren’s Website: https://laurenpolly.com/
Firebird Healing: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
Workshop: https://www.firebird-healing.com/tools-for-caregivers-to-release-stress
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com
About Lauren Polly:
Lauren Polly, MEd, CCC-SLP, RYT, is the founder of the Mental Wealth Movement, multi-award-winning author of The Other Side of Bipolar, and medical Speech-Language Pathologist.
She earned her master’s degree from the University of Virginia in Communication Disorders with a focus in Speech and Language Pathology in 2005. She has worked in America’s top hospitals since that time, where she eventually ran the speech therapy department.
Lauren interweaves her communication therapy skills with her yoga, meditation, and energy transformation training to provide cutting-edge content focused on un-locking the unorthodox talent of the neuro-emotional divergent population.
In her book, The Other Side of Bipolar, Lauren shares her own personal journey of receiving a bipolar diagnosis and how we can change other mental illness labels into empowering gifts for people who are diagnosed, their families, and the professionals who support them.
Her mission in life is to help others thrive beyond their labels, reclaim their innate gifts and blaze a unique trail in the world.
“What if you could be that light that lightens everyone else’s load? What if you are already are it? What if now is the time to start receiving it for yourself?” – Lauren
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
EP 59 – Exploring the Enneagram with Elaine Culverwell and Noah Gray
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/u4HK1vb_MjI
What is the Enneagram and how do you use it?
How can Enneagram work be used in self-exploration, therapy, coaching, corporations, families, and relationships?
What are the possibilities for greater understanding, change, and growth?
Discover fascinating insights into your worldview, personality, and filters in this dynamic episode of the Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by Enneagram experts Elaine Culverwell and Noah Gray.
You will discover the possibilities of using the Enneagram to have more ease with knowing yourself, creating your life, and interacting with others both personally and professionally.
In this episode:
- Elaine and Noah’s early experiences with the Enneagram
- Your growth edge
- The history of the Enneagram
- Typographies
- How the Enneagram works
- Spirituality and Psychology
- Beliefs and filters
- Enneagram Core Types, Subtypes, and Wings
- Enneagram in corporations and the workforce
- Nature vs. nurture
- Trauma, triggers, and types
- Using the Enneagram in therapy and coaching
- Carl Jung
- Gender and types
- Evolution within type
- Essence qualities vs. personality
- Balancing
- Enneagram work with teens and couples
- Enneagram and mental health
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Website: https://www.enneagramanytime.com/
Introduction to the Enneagram for Therapists Workshop: https://www.enneagramanytime.com/events/intro-for-therapists-aug-19
Monthly support groups and events: https://www.enneagramanytime.com/events
About the Elaine and Noah:
Elaine is a proud Enneagram Type 9 who is a marriage and family therapist with a private practice in Fremont, California. She's a certified Enneagram instructor and has worked with the Enneagram for almost 30 years — leading workshops for educators, business organizations, therapists and the general public. She uses the Enneagram with individuals, couples, parents and teenagers in her private practice, and taught the incarcerated as part of the Enneagram Prison Project.
Noah is a proud Enneagram 6 and certified wellness coach, who calls Cape Cod home. He received a Master’s Degree in Integrative Health Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies. The Enneagram is his #1 coaching tool, and he's currently on the Enneagram Teacher Training track with The Narrative Enneagram.
“Understanding the Enneagram just opens this entire world.” – Elaine
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment center Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
EP 58 – The Science of Addiction with Dr. David Smith
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/NdaFuJuggxE
What is really happening with addiction and what does recovery actually entail?
How do psychedelics work with addiction, trauma, and mental disorders?
What is the future of addiction treatment and recovery?
Discover these fascinating insights into addiction and trauma and so much more in this powerful episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by addiction treatment pioneer Dr. David Smith. Dr. Smith brings his lifetime of leadership in the field of addiction and recovery and shares his wisdom, experience, strength, and hope.
In this episode:
- Dr. Smith’s history
- Developing a free medical clinic
- LSD and psychedelic medicine
- Psychedelic revolution
- How psychedelics work
- Trauma capsule
- Bad trips
- Integration of treatment
- Avery Lane
- The disease and dysfunctional behaviors of addiction
- Relapse
- The neurology of addiction
- Self-medication
- TJ Woodward
- Brainspotting
- The addictive process
- Psychedelic-assisted therapies
- Psilocybin
- MAT or Medication Assisted Therapies
- A vision for the future
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Smith’s website: http://www.drdave.org/index.html
Avery Lane: https://www.averylanewomensrehab.com/
TJ Woodward: https://www.tjwoodward.com/
About Dr. Smith:
Dr. David E. Smith is recognized as a national leader in the areas of the treatment of addictive disease, the psychopharmacology of drugs, new research strategies in the management of drug abuse problems, and appropriate prescribing practices for physicians. He is the Founder of the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinics in San Francisco, which merged with Walden House in mid-2011 to form HealthRIGHT 360, which provides services at multiple sites throughout California.
Dr. Smith is currently the Chair of Addiction Medicine for Muir Wood Adolescent and Family Services, a gender-specific residential program for teenagers suffering from substance abuse and co-occurring issues in Petaluma, California. He is also the Medical Director for Center Point, a 6-month residential therapeutic community in San Rafael, California, which provides comprehensive, integrated services to at-risk individuals and families. He also serves as Chief of Addiction Medicine for Alta Mira Recovery Programs in Sausalito, California, a private residential chemical dependency program, and is the Medical Director at Avery Lane in Novato, California, a holistic drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for women with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders and trauma.
Dr. Smith has also served as Adjunct Professor at the University of California, San Francisco; as Medical Director of the California State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs; and as Medical Director of the California Collaborative Center for Substance Abuse Policy Research. He is a Fellow and Past President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and of the California Society of Addiction Medicine.
He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the University of California, San Francisco Medal, the Peter E. Haas Public Service Award from the University of California, Berkeley, the Robert D. Sparks, MD, Leadership Achievement Award of the California Medical Association, and the Annual Award of the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Dr. Smith is the Founding Editor of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs and an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Addiction Medicine. In addition, he has authored or co-authored 26 books, written over 350 journal articles, edited 28 journals, and has been the technical consultant for 28 drug abuse-related films. He is the co-author, with Dr. Daniel G. Amen, of Unchain Your Brain: 10 Steps to Breaking the Addictions that Steal Your Life.
“We are in the midst of the biggest drug epidemic in US history and the things that we have learned about how to treat addiction should be available to all people who have addictive disorders.” – Dr. Smith
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
To learn about her new trauma treatment program Firebird Healing, please visit the website: https://www.firebird-healing.com/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
EP 57 – Healing with Herbalism with Dawyn Cloud-Alter
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/B_an2NjZVXY
What is herbalism and how does it work?
How can we get at the root causes of mental illness and disease?
What else is truly possible to nurture and care for our bodies, minds, and spirits?
Discover these beautiful possibilities and so much more in this episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by herbalist, healer, and Complementary Alternative Specialist Dawyn Cloud-Alter. In this highly informative and heartfelt conversation you will hear about the healing power of herbs, supplements, and life changes to empower you and your loved ones to heal.
In this episode:
- Dawn’s upbringing and exposure for her work
- Plant medicine/herbalism
- Origins of plant medicine
- Dandelions
- Mental health symptoms
- Adaptogens
- Herbs
- CBD and the body, mind, and spirit
- Lyme Disease
- COVID trauma
- Depression, insomnia, and anxiety
- Supplements
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Sourcing
- The risks of mixing herbs and other substances
- Knowing and question
- Helpers and healers
- Embracing the shadow
- Nurses healing project
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dawn’s website: www.alter-nativehealing.com
Email: info@alter-nativehealing.com
Nurses Healing Project: https://sites.google.com/nursingproject.org/nursing-project/home
About Dawn:
Dawyn Cloud-Alter, B.S.M.S.M.F.T., E.F.T. Practitioner, C.F.H., C.B.T.I. is a Complementary Alternative Specialist; focusing on healing the whole person. Dawyn incorporates C.B.T., E.F.T., Herbalism, and C.B.T.I. modalities based on the individual’s need, always connecting the healing of the body and the mind, including the use of herbs and specific supplements recommendations
She holds a B.S. in Human Services, a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a Certified E.F.T. Practitioner, Certified Family Herbalist, and Certified Cognitive Behavior for Insomnia. Previously, Dawyn was an adjunct at Western Connecticut State University, teaching classes on herbalism. She is an avid gardener.
“With herbalism, I want to educate people so that they can heal themselves and heal their loved ones. – Dawyn
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
EP 56 – What Is Trauma? with Dr. Adriana Popescu
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/u1YzNN4shzk
What is trauma?
How does trauma impact us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?
How can we rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of our traumatic experiences to heal, grow, and change the world?
Don’t miss this new and exciting episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is the featured guest on her own show, talking about a subject most near and dear to her heart: trauma.
You will hear about how Dr. Popescu’s personal and professional experiences inspired her to seek greater possibilities for healing trauma and ultimately led her to create Firebird Healing.
In this episode:
- Inspirations
- Firebird Healing launch
- Adriana’s family and ancestral trauma
- Choosing this path
- Post-traumatic growth
- Trauma defined
- Big T versus little t traumas
- Vicarious traumatization
- Long-term impact of trauma
- Self-care
- Myths and misconceptions about trauma
- The phoenix bird
- Tools and approaches to healing trauma
- Firebird offerings
- Healing from trauma and addiction
- Leaders in the field of trauma healing
- The science of trauma
- Fight, flight, freeze response
- Nurses, veterans, and front-line workers and trauma
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Adriana’s Website: https://adrianapopescu.org
Firebird Website: https://firebird-healing.com
Dr. Adriana’s Mailing List: https://adrianapopescu.org/
Healing from Trauma & Addiction workshop with TJ and Dr. Adriana: https://www.firebird-healing.com/trauma-addiction
Conscious Recovery: https://consciousrecovery.com/
Avery Lane: http://www.averylanewomensrehab.com
Nurses project: https://sites.google.com/nursingproject.org/nursing-project/home
“We really are impacted physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually when we experience a traumatic event.” – Dr. Adriana
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
EP 55 – A Celebration of Possibilities with Dr. Adriana Popescu
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/BKm5gmf-ieM
How can we celebrate the Kaleidoscope of Possibilities?
What are the many inspirations, targets, and fun moments of the KOP show?
What is truly possible with freedom from trauma, addiction, and mental illness?
Join us to celebrate an amazing milestone on the latest episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu discusses her podcast and its evolution through its two-year history, explores some important milestones, reminisces about favorite moments and amazing guests, and shares possible future shows and topics.
Dr. Popescu also reveals her exciting new projects and what we can look forward to in the future!
In this episode:
- The fun and joy of the show
- The OG’s of Energy Psychology
- Empowerment
- Mental health diagnoses
- Future show topics and guests
- The targets of the KOP show
- Addiction and trauma
- Healing methods from other cultures
- Meta studies
- Catching up with previous guests
- Addiction, trauma, and COVID
- Trauma and trauma healing
- Gratitude
- What else is possible for the future?
- Firebird Healing
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Dr. Adriana's Website: https://adrianapopescu.org
Firebird Website: https://firebird-healing.com
Healing from Trauma & Addiction workshop with TJ and Dr. Adriana: https://www.firebird-healing.com/trauma-addiction
Conscious Recovery: https://consciousrecovery.com/
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com
“Everyone I have interviewed on the podcast is interested in helping people in creating greater possibilities for healing and empowerment.” – Dr. Adriana
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
EP 54 – The Healing Power of Memoir with Wendy Adamson
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/zScdZ0QKB7U
How can everything we’ve gone through be a valuable tool to empower others?
What is the transformative and healing power of writing?
How can addressing the spiritual facilitate healing and recovery?
Find out all of these insights and so much more in this compelling episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu talks with author and mental health professional Wendy Adamson. You will hear the amazing and powerful story of how Wendy grew up with mental illness, her struggles with addiction and violence, and ultimately her spiritual awakening and recovery. In this conversation you may just find the inspiration and tools to free yourself from the past and create a greater future.
In this episode:
- Wendy’s experience of growing up with a schizophrenic mother
- Victimese
- Trauma
- Secrecy and shame
- Empowerment
- The Golden Shadow
- Writing and healing
- The spiritual aspect of healing
- Being of service
- Spiritual tools
- Practical spiritual work
- This time on the planet
- Dark night of the soul
- Self discovery and finding joy
- Using writing to clear
- Conscious Recovery and TJ Woodward
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Wendy’s website: https://wendyadamson.com
Mother Load book: https://www.amazon.com/Mother-Load-Addiction-Violence-Finding/dp/1945436247/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=motherload&qid=1560093726&s=gateway&sr=8-4
Incorrigible book: https://www.amazon.com/Incorrigible-Coming-Age-Addiction-Incarceration-ebook/dp/B097Z1XZCK/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=incorrigible+wendy+adamson&qid=1625832436&sr=8-1
Conscious Recovery: https://consciousrecovery.com
About Wendy:
Wendy Adamson is a mental health professional that has spent over twenty-five years serving individuals struggling with addiction and mental health disorders. In that time, she has provided counseling, facilitated groups, done interventions, crisis management and executed treatment planning, which has helped countless individuals.
Wendy also has multiple articles in the Huffington Post and two published memoirs, Mother Load and Incorrigible, where she shares her own struggles with addiction, and her ultimate recovery, which led to the profound healing within herself and her family.
“Expanding my spiritual life has been the biggest and most important thing in the healing.” – Wendy
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday May 24, 2022
EP 53 – Essential Oils with Jodi Cohen
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/AJ8DncUP4Pg
What are essential oils and oil blends?
How can we use them to support ourselves and our clients?
What are the possibilities for calming, healing, and detoxification?
Discover the wonders of essential oils in the latest Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which host Dr. Adriana Popescu talks with bestselling author, award-winning journalist, functional practitioner and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen. You will hear about how Jodi’s life experiences inspired her to seek the empowering ways to calm and relax the body and mind with essential oils.
You will also find practical and pragmatic information to get started with essential oils and how and when to use them in everyday life.
In this episode:
- Jodi’s story, background, and inspirations
- How oils work
- Plants, medicine, and healing
- Topically applying versus inhaling oils
- Common knowledge immune care
- The history of essential oils
- Ingesting oils
- Animals and oils
- Calming anxiety
- Activating the parasympathetic nervous system
- Single oils versus oil blends
- Synergies and harmonizing of oils and blends
- Oils and medications
- Lymph and detoxification
- Getting started with oils
- How long oils last
- Using oils as a practitioner
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Jodi's website: https://vibrantblueoils.com/
Vagus Nerve Stimulation: https://boostthebrainbook.com/gift/
About Jodi:
Jodi Sternoff Cohen is a bestselling author, award-winning journalist, functional practitioner and founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, where she has combined her training in nutritional therapy and aromatherapy to create unique proprietary blends of organic and wild-crafted essential oils. She has helped over 50,000 clients heal from brain-related challenges, including anxiety, insomnia, and autoimmunity.
For the past ten years, she has lectured at wellness centers, conferences, and corporations on brain health, essential oils, stress, and detoxification. She has been seen in The New York Times, Wellness Mama, Elephant Journal and numerous publications. Her website, vibrantblueoils.com, is visited by over 300,000 natural health seekers every year, and she has rapidly become a top resource for essential oils education on the Internet today.
“Oils are the concentrated essences of plants, and plants have been used throughout the history of medicine.” – Jodi
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday May 04, 2022
EP 52 – Divine Wisdom with Rachel Merrill
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/Ebf3GCvD0bk
What is possible to discover through Oracle and Tarot card readings?
What contribution are nature, native traditions, and rituals to healing?
How can we help and support the whole person?
Find these brilliant insights and beyond in the latest episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which host Dr. Adriana Popescu chats with author, stepmom, healer, witch, and holistic life coach Rachel Merrill.
Rachel shares her divine wisdom, vision, and story, which offer profound insights into healing from trauma, going beyond Western paradigms, and playing with the energy of the universe.
This episode includes two not-to-miss gems including a reading of an excerpt from Rachel’s book and also an Oracle card reading intended to bring the messages of the greatest good to all those listening to the show.
What messages do the Oracle cards have for you?
In this episode:
- Rachel’s story of growing up in rural North Dakota
- Domestic and sexual violence
- Rachel’s book
- A chapter reading and cliffhanger
- Going beyond western medicine
- Shamanism
- Nature
- Screen time and its impact on our body and spirit
- The importance of play
- Native traditions
- Witchcraft
- Rituals
- Holistic life coaching
- Reiki
- Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards
- Spirit guides
- Psychic abilities
- Oracle Card demonstration
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Rachel’s Website: www.RachelMerrill.me
Rachel’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1955985081/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_E6SP7RZARJFK011KPPSE
About Rachel:
Rachel Merrill, author of I Sang Anyway: A Stepmom’s Spiritual Memoir of Healing, is passionate about human potential. She grew up on a farm in North Dakota, USA, and moved to Vermont for graduate school in 2006. Rachel spent more than a decade fighting poverty and hunger in New Hampshire as a manager for the welfare-to-work program for single parents. Some of her specialized knowledge includes French, Indigenous Rights, the topics of mental health, substance misuse, domestic violence, and workforce development. In addition, she is a certified Diversity & Cultural Competence trainer. She has enjoyed working in refugee resettlement, as a camp counselor for kids from inner-city Chicago, and as a grant writer for Life & Water Development – Cameroon, among other jobs. Rachel has worked for an international non-profit since December 2018 where she leads guided meditation for their employees. She is a fundraiser inspiring giving from individuals and community groups; she also supervises volunteers. She holds a Master's in Social Justice in Intercultural Relations from the School for International Training (SIT) Graduate Institute.
Rachel is a Reiki Master, Certified Holistic Life Coach, witch, singer, writer, wife, mom, and stepmom.
“It’s a different kind of medicine, but it is still medicine.” – Rachel
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
EP 51 – Integrative Psychiatry with Dr. Juliet Morgan
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/VBNrggupl5E
What is integrative psychiatry and how is it different from traditional psychiatry?
How can we include the whole body in the treatment of psychological conditions?
What else is possible to help care for those with depression, mental illness, and long COVID?
Tune in to a beautiful and inspiring episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which host Dr. Adriana Popescu talks with psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist Dr. Juliet Morgan. You will hear about how the deep caring and desire to help patients heal from debilitating psychological, traumatic, and mental health conditions has inspired Dr. Morgan’s work to assist patients in finding the “missing puzzle pieces” using a unique “whole person” approach.
In this episode:
- Dr. Morgan's story and inspiration
- Integrative Psychiatry
- Personalized medicine
- Addressing the whole person
- Mimicking conditions
- Inflammation and the brain
- Medications and depression
- Wallet toxicity
- Trauma
- Medicine is a team sport
- The gut and brain connection
- Efficacy of psychotherapy
- Personalized dosing of medications
- Treatment of Long COVID
- Overlapping conditions
- Treatment-Resistant or Refractory Depression
- Referrals to trials
- CalPsychiatry
- Dr. Morgan’s book
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Website: https://calpsychiatry.com/juliet-morgan/
CalPsychiatry: https://calpsychiatry.com/
Dr. Morgan’s Book: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/meghan-jobson-md-phd/long-illness/9780306828768/?lens=hachette-books
About Dr. Morgan:
Dr. Juliet Morgan is a psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist based in the CalPsychiatry San Francisco office. She specializes in the integrative treatment of patients with mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, neuropsychiatric illness, and healing from trauma. Dr. Morgan is a board-certified neurologist and understands the complex interplay between the structural “hardware” and emotional “software” in the brain. Dr. Morgan has been featured in several media outlets including KQED and CBS for her work with COVID-19 patients.
“Personalized medicine is going to be the way of the future – it should be happening now.” – Dr. Morgan
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
EP 50 – What is Thought Field Therapy? with Suzanne Connolly
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/7EC6cf3JA7c
What is Thought Field Therapy?
How has it been used in mental health treatment, trauma healing, and humanitarian efforts?
What is the global burden of mental health?
In this fascinating episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, host Dr. Adriana Popescu talks with therapist, Thought Field Therapy expert, and researcher Suzanne Connolly, LCSW. They discuss the worldwide impact of mental health, trauma treatment, and substance abuse and how TFT can contribute to a different possibility.
This powerful interview ends with a demonstration of a TFT/tapping sequence in which you can experience immediate relaxation and relief.
In this episode:
- Suzanne’s journey
- Thought Field Therapy
- Survivors of sexual abuse
- Roger Callahan
- The story of Mary
- EFT versus TFT
- The “active ingredient”
- Trauma healing
- Humanitarian work
- Tapping and children
- Ongoing Rwanda projects
- Global burden of mental health
- Developing a world network of mental health support
- TFT demonstration for stress and anxiety
- 9-gamut procedure
- Anger, guilt, rage, pain, depression
- Tapping for substance abuse cravings
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Suzanne's website: https://www.thoughtfieldtherapy.net/
From Trauma To Peace film: https://www.thoughtfieldtherapy.net/from-trauma-to-peace/
ACEP: https://www.energypsych.org/
Thought Field Therapy Foundation: http://www.tftfoundation.org/
Articles & Research: https://www.thoughtfieldtherapy.net/tft-research/
About Suzanne:
Suzanne lives in Sedona, Arizona where she has been in private practice for thirty-three years. She is licensed as a Clinical Social Worker, a Marriage and Family Therapist, and a Substance Abuse Counselor. Suzanne has taught as an adjunct professor at Arizona State University where she taught Holistic Social Work in the graduate program.
Suzanne has been training professionals and non-professionals in Thought Field Therapy (TFT) since 1996 and has trained over 2,000 people around the world to use TFT at the algorithm level. She is the author of Thought Field Therapy: Clinical Applications. She has also authored and co-authored five studies of TFT published in peer-reviewed journals, the latest of which was a systematic literature review and meta-analysis published in the August 2021 issue of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
Suzanne has taught TFT as a trauma relief intervention in Littleton, Colorado after the shooting at Columbine High School; New Orleans at Charity and Ochsner Hospitals in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina; in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide; in Tokyo after the Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami; in Kuwait after the Gulf War, and in Jerusalem, Mexico, France and Canada. Among her many invited presentations was a one-day TFT training at the University of Connecticut Medical School, Dept. of Psychiatry, Master Therapist Series.
“This gets to the very primitive part of our brain that words don’t get to.” – Suzanne
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
EP 49 – Empowering Everyone with Dr. Adriana Popescu
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/hIJnFELUIzU
What is empowerment?
How do we get free from the judgments, programs, and limitations of this world?
How can we be open to receiving what we truly desire?
In this episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health host Dr. Adriana Popescu takes us on a deep dive into the subject of empowerment. She addresses the primary objective of all of her work and invites us to truly infinite possibilities.
In this episode:
- Empowerment explained
- Knowing
- Access Consciousness®
- TJ Woodward & Conscious Recovery®
- Don Miguel Ruiz and the domestication of the human
- Judgment
- How core false beliefs form
- Confirmation bias
- Disempowerment
- Trauma
- Karma and other lifetimes
- Getting energetically congruent
- Adriana’s book
- Educating yourself
- Questions
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Website: https://adrianapopescu.org
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com
Conscious Recovery: https://consciousrecovery.com
“Anything is changeable, anything is possible.” – Dr. Adriana
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
EP 48 – Holistic Approaches to Addiction Treatment with Camille Hildebrand
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/gGIRrFYPqWU
What holistic approaches can increase the success of addiction treatment and recovery?
What role does addressing mental health issues and trauma play in addiction recovery?
What is the future of addiction treatment?
Find new and amazing insights into the treatment and healing of addiction and trauma in the latest episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu speaks with Camille Hildebrand, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Avery Lane, an all-female addiction and recovery program in Marin County, CA.
You will hear about the unique and powerful programs at Avery Lane that offer clients a scientifically-informed and body, mind, and spiritually-supportive environment for recovery and change.
In this episode:
- Camille’s story and inspiration
- Creating Avery Lane
- Gender-specific programs
- Individualized treatment
- Peer support groups
- Long-term treatment
- Co-occurring mental health issues
- What leads to a relapse
- Medications
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Unresolved trauma
- Energy Psychology tools
- Tapping/EFT
- Breathing techniques
- Brainspotting
- The science of trauma
- Conscious Recovery®
- Training in principles
- Inner wholeness
- The future of addiction treatment
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Website: https://averylanewomensrehab.com
Dr. Adriana Popescu’s Paper in the Energy Psychology Journal: https://energypsychologyjournal.org/abstracts/abstracts-volume-13-number-1-may-2021/trauma-based-energy-psychology-treatment-is-associated-with-client-rehabilitation-at-an-addiction-clinic/
About Camille:
Camille Hildebrand is a native of the San Francisco Bay Area with over 10 years of combined personal and professional experience in the field of addiction and mental health treatment. She currently is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Avery Lane, an all-female substance abuse and trauma specialized program in Marin County. Prior to creating Avery Lane 6 years ago, Camille worked in various roles within gender-specific substance abuse programs. She brings a wealth of knowledge into creating a program that encourages and supports women seeking long-term sobriety and recovery. Through her personal and professional experience with substance abuse and addiction, Camille has dedicated herself to helping individuals who are struggling and helping to show them the path to the life of freedom in recovery.
“We are all in recovery from something.” – Camille
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, author, speaker and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/p5prbQKsD0U
How does unresolved trauma impact how your whole system is functioning?
How can we identify and remove hidden stressors, toxicities and inflammation?
What is the body’s true capacity for healing?
Discover this essential information for living in the latest episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner Heather Gray. You will hear about how Heather overcame physical and mental struggles to find possibilities for healing, detoxifying, optimal nutrition, and reducing inflammation.
In this episode:
- Heather’s traumatic childhood
- Lyme diagnosis
- Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN)
- Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
- Unresolved Trauma
- Dr. Aimie Apigian, The Biology of Trauma
- Food sensitivities
- Pyrrole disorder
- Supplements
- Collaboration with therapists
- Inflammation
- Toxins
- Removing hidden stressors
- Leaky gut
- Brain fog
- Thriving
- Mental Health
- Addiction and Alcoholism
- Addressing the trauma
- EFT/Tapping
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Heather’s website: https://www.discoveringhealthfdn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiscoveringHealthFDN
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/discoveringhealthfdn/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ua/podcast/talking-shit-with-heather-gray-fdn-p/id1583636049
About Heather:
Heather Gray is a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner. She found this work after 27 years of undiagnosed Lyme Disease, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto's, and Endometriosis. She was depressed, anxious, in chronic widespread pain, with bad skin, and also bloated, constipated, exhausted, with weight gain, and horrible periods. Heather set out on a path to healing herself.
She has now lost over 45lbs, has no more pain, no more suicidal thoughts, and has energy all day. She now has a practice where she teaches others how to take care of themselves and get the inflammation off their body and brain, so they have control over their health journey. She helps you destroy brain fog, moodiness, chronic inflammation, and pain.
“Chronic inflammation is actually the root cause of almost all diseases out there these days.” – Heather
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
EP 46 – Accessing Source with Michelle Watkins
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
To watch the video of this episode, please go to: https://youtu.be/r9RntnAL1z4
How can we access universal source energy?
What are meditation, Reiki, and Intuitive Healing and what do they create?
How can we deeply connect with our own clarity and knowing?
Open to the wonders and mysteries of the universe in this magical episode of Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health, in which Dr. Adriana Popescu is joined by Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Intuitive, and founder of Urban Sanctuary, Michelle Watkins, M.A. In this fascinating conversation they share the possibilities of moving through mental, physical, or emotional crisis to discover our limiting thoughts, claim our own knowing, and open to greater consciousness in daily life.
In this episode:
- Michelle’s story
- Transpersonal Psychology
- Hypnotherapy
- Releasing energetic patterns
- Reiki
- Consciousness
- Meditation
- Being an empath
- Clarity and knowing
- The dark night of the soul
- External reference
- The point of meditation
- Meditation techniques
- Mantra-based meditation
- Meditation results
- The power of group meditation
- Reiki explained
- Self-care
- Grace
- Distance sessions
- Learning Reiki
- Attunements
- Medical intuition
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Michelle's website: www.urbansanctuaryla.com
About Michelle:
Michelle Watkins, M.A. is an intuitive healer and founder of Urban Sanctuary. Based in Los Angeles, CA, Michelle's work spans the globe. She’s a certified hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher, meditation instructor, and intuitive reader. Guiding her clients on their path to wellness through intuitive discovery and energetic therapies, her clients find insight, empowerment, and the ability to shift long-held patterns of disharmony towards health and happiness. She works with individuals, leads group meditations and healings, and teaches courses in meditation, consciousness, and Reiki.
“Everything is consciousness, everything is connected.” – Michelle
Would you like to continue this conversation and connect with other people who are interested in exploring these topics? Please join us on our Facebook group! (https://www.facebook.com/groups/kaleidoscopeofpossibilitiespodcast/)
About your host:
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, and empowerment coach who is based in San Francisco, California and practices worldwide.
For more information on Dr. Adriana, her sessions and classes, please visit: https://adrianapopescu.org/
You can also follow her on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAdrianaPopescu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradrianapopescu/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAdrianaP
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-popescu-ph-d-03793
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dradrianapopescu
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflL0zScRAZI3mEnzb6viVA
Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/kaleidoscopepossibilities
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dradrianapopescu?
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Adriana Popescu and her guests. The content expressed therein should not be taken as psychological or medical advice. The content here is for informational or entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or treatment questions.
This website or podcast is not to be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in any legal sense or as a basis for legal proceedings or expert witness testimony. Listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media with our content in no way establishes a client-therapist relationship.